Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Don't you ever take notes overtop of previously drawn sketches?

Exciting News!

The molten lead decoy piece got into the Hope Against Hope show!

October 8th, 2010. Phoenix Shot Tower 7pm-10pm.

This guy is from 2008, the year when I compulsively drew animal familiars--rabbits and hedgehogs exclusively.

That's what working in a label printing factory will do to you.

I didn't realize the correlation of the images until just now; that was supposed to be a bottle of milk but it could easily be a stand-in for Dr. Thunder.

And oh yes, some more of these guys.

The only library book that I never returned at all was The Essential Rilke. When I lived at my first house, I found it between the cushions of an arm chair. I had already paid the replacement fee, so I pretended that the book wanted to stay with me.

Since I never took any pictures of my old house, there are a handful of objects and sounds that I have that are charged with memories:
-a sloppy Christmas window decoration
-my Black Snake Moan poster
-student artwork from my very first class at Mt. Washington Elementary.
-hissing radiators

Completed during the 2010 blizzard.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

This piece was initially vertically oriented and purposefully so. It was a submission to a show that was centered around the Baltimore Shot Tower. I wanted evoke molten lead being poured down a steep shute.

Portrait of a co-worker's grandmother I was commissioned to paint last Christmas.

I took this picture before I added the eyes, because I knew that it would look better.

The experience was lovely, but I don't think I'll ever do portraits of beloved family members.

My contribution to the "Baltidelphia" show from October 2009.